Title: The Reluctant (Mangaka) Hero For: everyone Rating: PG-13 Length: 8938 words Summary: Jongin is a shy otaku who wants to be like his mangaka cousin, he thinks he's got no talent but he's just got zero inspiration. Notes: thank you to d for always helping and encouraging me to finish this story. i almost gave up halfway but she's always there
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Title: Sehun vs Jongin For: iridae Rating: PG Length: 5750 words Side pairings: Baekhyun/Kyungsoo Summary: Sehun and Jongin are kinda in a relationship, but it’s best that others don’t know. Notes: hope you like it!
Title: A Deluge in Slow-Motion For: everyone Rating: PG Length: ~10700 words Summary: Life in the country trickles by and with Jongin comes the flood. Notes: Thank you to M for editing this monster and making me write 4k extra. I hate you and I love you.
Title: Transit Point For: crumblingworld Rating: PG Length: 16449 words Side Pairings: Jongin/Laptop; ninja!Chanyeol/Baekhyun Summary: Dying with nothing is the world’s plan for Kim Jongin. But the world must have been playing when he receives a random SOS from a stranger. Will it be Game Over for him? Warning(s): [Click]mention of intestines, that is all Notes: I love
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Title: A Place For My Head For: everyone Rating: PG Length: ~10700 words Side pairings: Chanyeol/Zitao Summary: Jongin's never had a home before. Warning(s): [Click]hybrid au! featuring canine hybrid Jongin
Title: We lost ourselves in the bright lights For: chunyeols Rating: PG Length: ~13800 words Side pairings: (very) briefly mentioned past Baekhyun/Jongin and Lu Han/Jongdae Summary: Jongin’s perfectly content with how he’s been living his life, until Sehun shows him just what he’s been missing Warning(s): [Click]language, really bad writing Notes: this is my first
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